Have questions? Ingest has answers

Ingest helps you get the most out of your connected data with out-of-the-box reports and unlimited customization

Explore some of Ingest's out-of-the-box templates:
Daily Snapshot
Load up all of the KPIs you care about and compare them against a variety of benchmarks in one convenient view
Interactive Dashboard
Daily Snapshot dashboard screenshot
Sales report dashboard screenshot
Sales Trends
Pull net sales, covers, and average check trends across your entire group or drill-down to gather insights about specific locations
Interactive Dashboard
Labor Trends
Keep your labor costs in check, optimize FOH and BOH staff based on sales, and monitor individual employee performance
Interactive Dashboard
Labor Report dashboard screenshot
Product Mix dashboard screenshot
Product Mix
Uncover your top and bottom selling menu items with dozens of ways to slice and dice your data: by location, by meal period, by revenue center, and more
Interactive Dashboard
Comps & Discounts
Monitor theft and track promotions across all of your locations
Interactive Dashboard
Comps & Discounts dashboard screenshot
Weekly Tracker report screenshot
Weekly Tracker
Track progress towards your weekly sales and budget goals, then make daily adjustments to stay on track
Email Report
Detailed Snapshot
Love numbers? Get all of the metrics you need across your entire group delivered to your inbox daily
Email Report
Detailed Snapshot report screenshot

Looking for the perfect report?

Ingest allows you to calculate thousands of different metrics on the fly in nearly any format you might want. Book a demo to explore all of the different ways you can tailor Ingest to suit your specific needs.

Ready to dive in?

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